The manual containts the theoretical backgrounds, methodology, goals and objectives, overarching environmental issues, structure and characteristics of the current state of the Earth’s atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere, study of the influence patterns of physical, chemical, biological and psychological factors on human health and public health, the use of established patterns to develop methods and systems for preventing the impact of negative gradations of these factors.
Authors: V. G. Bardov, S. T. Omelchuk, N. V. Merezhkina, V. D. Aleksiichuk, Ye. M. Anisimov, A. M. Antonenko, G. P. Bardov., E. M. Biletska, A. V. Blagaia, A. A. Borysenko, O. P. Vavrinevych, O. M. Vlasenko, S. I. Garkavyi, A. M. Hrynzovskyi, A. V. Dubnov, K. Yu. Zahorodniuk, T. I. Zinchenko, N. D. Kozak, M. V. Kondratiuk, V. O. Korobchanskyi, M. M. Korshun, O. O. Novokhatska, I. M. Pelo, I. V. Serheta, P. V. Stavnichenko, I. V. Tkachenko, S. M. Tkachenko, V. I. Fedorenko, O. A. Shevchenko.
Vinnytsia: Nova Knyha
Посилання для цитування
Ключові слова
General hygiene and human ecology, preventive medicine, hygiene as a science, sanitation, ecology as a science, biosphere, advances in science and technology and their impact on the earth’s biosphere, air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, protection against pollution, solar radiation, interaction with the magnetosphere and atmosphere of the earth, interaction with the earth’s biosphere, use of sun rays for disease prevention and air, water and, objects sanation, hygienic importance of weather, hygienic aspects of prevention of heliometeorotropic reactions, hygienic importance of climate, acclimatization, hygienic significance of natural and artificial illumination, noise, an electromagnetic radiation is in the conditions of the inhabited places, microclimate and its health effect, indoor microclimate improvement ways and resources, hygienic significance of atmospheric air, soil hygiene and purification of settlements, problems of urbanization, water and health, hygienic significance of drinking water, problems of water supply of settlements, hygienic requirements and methods for improving the quality of, drinking water, hygiene of health care facilities, features of planning, improvement and equipment of medical facilities, nosocomial infections, preventive measures, occupational hygiene of medical personnel, current issues of occupational hygiene, harmful and dangerous occupational factors, prevention of their influence, the importance of hygiene in solving problems of protection and promotion of child and adolescent health, hygiene of children’s institutions, requirements for planning, improvement and equipment of children’s, institutions, nutrition as a factor of health, scientific fundamentals of rational nutrition, functions of food substances, hygienic problems of undernutrition and overnutrition, diseases related to violation of the basics of rational nutrition and consumption of substandard products, hygienic importance of vitamins and microelements, ionizing radiation as an environmental factor and occupational hazards, fundamentals of hygienic regulation of ionizing radiation, sanitary protection of the environment from radioactive contamination as a hygienic problem, medical consequences of the chornobyl disaster for the population of Ukraine, hygienic fundamentals of temporary location of military and civilian units in emergencies, hygienic peculiarities of water supply of military and civilian units in emergencies and in exceptional periods, nutrition hygiene in the field conditions in emergencies, occupational hygiene within the rectification of the consequences of emergencies, healthy lifestyle, personal hygiene, harmful habits as a threat to human health, peculiarities of hygienic provision of the population in tropical regions (organization of places for habitation), hygienic requirements for water and water supply and nutrition related to the peculiarities of tropical regions.
Біологічні науки | Військова медицина | Гігієна повітря, води і ґрунту. Комунальна гігієна | Гігієна та професійна патологія | Епідеміологія | Інфекційні хвороби | Клінічна медицина | Медицина катастроф > Медичні наслідки аварії на ЧАЕС | Охорона здоров'я > Організація охорони здоров'я | Психологія
ISBN 978-966-382-913-5
УДК 613(075)
Цифрова копія повного тексту
Тільки електронна версія